ANI aims to foster further development of a united voice for nursing informatics and provide a forum for its expression. Further, ANI provides a forum to respond to opportunities that support and encourage nursing informatics participation in activities such as: developing resources, guidelines and standards for nursing informatics practice, education, scope of practice, research, certification, public policy and workforce development.

Statements & Positions

May 21, 2024
ANI signs Multi-Organization ONC FY25 Appropriations Letter of Support
Read the letter here. 

April 30, 2024
ANI joint response to Public Health Data Modernization
Read the letter here. 

August 29, 2023
ANI comments on Medicare Home Health Prospective Payment System Proposed Rule
Read the comments here. 

August 8, 2023
ANI comments on FTC Health Breach
Read the comments here. 

June 20, 2023
ANI Comments on HTI-1
Read the comments here. 

April 24, 2023
ANI comments on NIH Public Access Plan 
Read the comments here. 

April 13, 2023
ANI Comments on USCDI
Read the comments here. 

March 13, 2023
ANI comments on Advancing Interoperability and Improving Prior Authorization Processes 
Proposed Rule
Read the comments here.

Jan 31, 2023
ANI comments on SUD Confidentiality
Read the comments here. 

Dec 6, 2022
ANI comments on CMS Provider Directory
Read the comments here. 

April 30, 2022
ANI responds to USCDIv3.
Read the response here. 

March 31, 2022
Request for Information (RFI) on Strengthening Community Health Through Technology (87 FR 492) as part of the Community Connected Health Initiative.
Read the response here. 

Dec 13, 2021
ANI responds to NINR Strategic Plan.
Read the response here. 

May 6, 2021
ANI responds to Proposed Modifications to the HIPAA Privacy Rule to Support, and Remove Barriers to Coordinated Care and Individual Engagement
Read the response here.
April 21, 2021
ANI comments on the ONC United States Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI) Draft Version 2
Read the response here.
Feb 26, 2021
ANI Responds to ANA NI Scope and Standards of Practice.
Read the response here.
Jan 4, 2021
ANI Responds to Medicaid Program: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; Reducing Provider and Patient Burden by Improving Prior Authorization Processes, etc.
Read the response here.
Jan 4, 2021
ANI Responds to Information Blocking and the ONC Health IT Certification Program: Extension of Compliance Dates and Timeframes in Response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
Read the response here.
Nov 9, 2020
ANI Responds to Interoperability Standards Advisory (ISA) and the Standards Version Advancement Process (SVAP)
Read the response here.
Aug 20, 2020
ANI Responds to Health Breach Notification Rule 
Read the response here.
April 3, 2020
ANI Responds to ONC on HIT Strategic Plan
Read the response here.
March 3, 2020
ANI Response to OMB Guidance for Regulation of Artificial Intelligence Applications
Oct 2, 2019
ANI Comments on ANA's  "The Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence in Nursing Practice"
Aug 12, 2019
ANI Response to RFI on Patients Over Paperwork
June 17, 2019
ANI comments on TEFCA
June 3, 2019
ANI Comments on 21st Century Cures Act: Interoperability, Information Blocking, and the ONC Health IT Certification Program
May 15, 2019
ANI Comments on Xcertia mHealth Guidelines
Jan 28, 2019
ANI Comments on Draft Strategy to Reduce Documentation Burden
Dec 10, 2018
ANI Comments on Xcertia mHealth Guidelines
Nov 5, 2018
ANI Supports Xcertia
Oct 17, 2018
ANI and ANA Comments on ONC 21st Century Cures
Aug 31, 2018
ANI Comments on CMS Proposed Changes to Home Health Value-Based Purchasing Model and the Home Health Quality Reporting
June 25, 2018
ANI Response to CMS Promoting Interoperability and Electronic Healthcare Information Exchange
May 3, 2018
ANI Response to CMS IMPACT Act Quality Measures for Medication Profile Information Transfer
April 2, 2018
ANI Response to NIH Strategic Plan for Data Science
February 15, 2018
ANI and ANA Response to ONC TEFCA
February 15, 2018
ANI and ANA Response to ONC USCDI
December 27, 2017
ANI Response to Proposed Leapfrog Changes
November 20, 2017
ANI Response to ONC ISA
November 20,2017
ANI and ANA Response to CMS Innovation Center
November 1, 2017
ANI Response to NLM Data Science RFI
July 31, 2017
ANI Response to ONC Proposed Interoperability Standards Measurement Framework
January 23, 2017 
ANI Response to National Library of Medicine (NLM) Request for Information.  
October 24, 2016
ANI Provides Comments to ONC on Draft 2017 Interoperability Standards Advisory (ISA).
ANI responded to the 2016 ISA, which recommended the inclusion of new interoperability standards related to nursing concepts. 
June 3, 2016
ANI Provides Comments to ONC in Response to RFI on Interoperability in MACRA   Read our comments as nursing stakeholders to ONC’s request outlined in the Federal Register notice related to populations and elements of information flow that should be measured, as well as current and/or new potential data sources that can be tapped to measure interoperability more broadly. 
March 24, 2016
ANI Response to NINR Strategic Plan
March 21, 2016
ANI Provides Comments to ONC 2016 Interoperability Standards Advisory.
January 26, 2016
ANI Provides Comments to Senate HELP Bill -- Improve Federal Requirements Relating to the Development and Use of EHRs  
January 7, 2016
ANI Provides Comments to NQF HIT & Patient Safety Project: Identification and Prioritization of Health IT Patient Safety Measures